Click here to read about Mr. A. Latham's involvement with Harlaston Cricket Club
Dedication of Church Benches
1997. (Source Parish Magazine)
We were very pleased to welcome about 40 visitors to the happy, though emotional service for the dedication of benches in the churchyard; including Percy and his family, and the sons and daughters of the late Ivy and Dan Latham. Also joining with us were Mrs Joan Malin and her family and friends, whose generous donation along with the bequest in Mr Malin's Will helped to retarmac the church drive. Messers Lol and Fred Duggins were unable to be present on the day, but we wish to help them especially for their donation, and everyone else involved for their help to complete this project. We are sure everyone agrees it has made a great improvement to the church entrance.
Click here to see Roy Latham in the scouts circa 1945