Harlaston Women's Institute at 60

We celebrated our 60th birthday in style on July 9th, when members, family and friends joined together in Harlaston Village Hall to enjoy a supper buffet, strawberries, cream, Bucks Fizz and a beautiful iced cake made by Christine Boston. 

Past Presidents Mrs. Margaret Grove and Mrs Andrea Hancock attended, along with Mrs Christine Richards representing the County and Mrs Jean Lees, President of Mile Oak W.I representing the Mercia Group.

The speakers were Mike and Jenny who told us the history of Ice Cream and how they started their business, Sticky Fingers. We were able to taste all the lovely flavours of ice cream from the "stop me and buy one" bicycle.

The exhibition of old photographs and humerous notes from the monthly Minute Book caused much laughter.

Pat and Derek organised games of bagatelle and roulette, the winners being Rita and Rory.

There were prizes galore in the raffle and the evening ended with a toast to Harlaston W. I. and the wish that we enjoy many more years of fun and friendship in this wonderful organisation. We would welcome any ladies who would like to join us and see what you are missing, Meetings are held on the second Monday in the month at Harlaston Village Hall. (NB No meeting in August)