St Matthew's Church Harlaston - A Centenary Celebration


Having decided, quite naturally, to mark the Centenary of the Restoration of St. Matthew's Church with thanksgiving and various events, the possibility of producing a booklet to provide added interest was discussed. It was decided that it would be a worthwhile project and would hopefully be of interest, not only to members of the Parish but also to visitors. 

It is a work neither of journalism nor of scholarship, but more a miscellany of reports interspersed with memories. It can only be very loosely described as a history. This is due in part to the lack of qualifications of the compilers and to a great extent to the shortage of time and the expense which could have become involved in more extensive research. For these reasons the contents have been kept as brief as possible to avoid undue technicality.

In the belief that readers would prefer it so, much of the content is made up of what can be recalled by members of the Parish and is therefore of more recent 'history'. We ask that you bear this in mind when considering accuracy and invite you to consider the words of Dylan Thomas from "A Child's Christmas in Wales" :- 

"I can never remember whether it snowed for six days

and six nights when I was twelve, or whether it snowed

for twelve days and twelve nights when I was six".

We hope readers find it interesting and enjoyable, and that at the same time the proceeds of its sale will, if only in a small way, help to swell the funds which are required on an ever increasing scale to maintain what has been and, we hope, will continue to be, an important centre of village life.

In each respect, only the future will tell.

Our special thanks go to Jackie Astbury of Winterdyne, the artist who designed the cover for the booklet.

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In the early part of the eighteenth Century the Manor was owned by the Egerton family, three members of which are buried in a vault at St Matthew's Church, harlaston. This is recorded on a Memorial Tablet above the vault in the Chancel. Thereafter the ownership of the Manor changed on a number of occasions.

It is reasonable to suppose that a Mill existed in Harlaston throughout the intervening years between 1066 - the date of the Doomesday Book - and the present time and equally that it would have been on the site of the present Mill. (See notes on the Mill on page 26)

Prior to 1845 Harlaston was a Chapelry to Clifton Campville but it was then constitutes an Ecclesiastical Parish by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. The first Rector was the Reverend Richard Rowland Bloxham, M.A. Records indicate at that time the Parish had 221 inhabitants and about 1,400 acres of land. At that time Captain Theophilius Levett and W. Cheatle, Esq., were Lords of the Manor, but a great part of the soil belonged to Sir Robert Burdett, Bart., and Viscount Chetwynd. The records also refer to a 'neat Rectory' and a 'neat Parochial School' being built.

The same records show that in 1851 the Parish had residing therein 3 Shoe makers, 2 Shopkeepers, 1 Carpenter, 2 Bricklayers, 1 Plumber/Painter, 1 School-master, 1 Corn Miller, 1 Constable, 1 Dressmaker, 1 Publican and 5 farmers, in addition to the Rector. Quite an impressive array of talent one may think! A number of the above figured frequently in the Church Vestry Minutes.

For comparision, the 1881 Census (being the one nearest to the Restoration year) has been copied in full and will be available for examination in the Church, later in the year. The Enumerator for the Census was William Fletcher. The Census showed that 53 inhabited houses, 6 uninhabited houses, and inhabitants totalling 279. 138 males and 141 females.

Prior to the introduction of the Local Government Act, 1894, the Church played a big part in the running of the Parish. The Vestry Minutes confirm that appointments were made for Overseer of the Roads, Overseer of the Poor, and that an assistant Overseer was appointed and paid a salary. The Vestry also fixed the Church rate.

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In accordance with the directions of the Local Government Act, a compulsory Parish Meeting was called where it was decided not to form a Parish Council, but thereafter statutory Public Meetings had to be held. Mr. Joseph Hellaby was nominated and approved as District Councillor. In fact the first Parish Council for Harlaston was not formed until 1956. Its first Chairman was Mr. Howard Carter (Junior) until 1959. At that time Mr Evan Mercer became Chairman has remained so ever since.

And so through the years the Parish progressed, although not increasing greatly in population. The area remains chiefly a farming area. Various organisations have been set up - some to die out, but some to remain. A new School has replaced the old. The White Lion Public House continues to serve. 

Some new dwellings have been built, but only on a relatively small scale. To a large extent this has been well monitored - thanks in no small way to the fact that Harlaston was designated a Conservation Area in 1972. (Conservation area No. 40.)

In the County Planning and Development Publication of 1972 Harlaston was described in what one may consider quite complementary terms generally, and to reproduce this seems an appropriate and pleasing note on which to end this generalisation and to commence to particularise. (In this latter respect shortage of space has resulted in the restricting of this to a selection of personalities, buildings, organisations and to the story of one village couple.)


Harlaston is a small village lying on the left bank of the River Mease four miles north of Tamworth. This nearness and the great expansion in the population of Tamworth, both achieved and proposed, is subjecting Harlaston to strong pressures as a potential dormitory settlement.

The village is away from major roads and only local traffic is carried by the village street, the road from Tamworth. This meets at the north end of the village the west-east route linking ALrewas to Clifton Campville. The plan of the village is therefore simple, essentially linear, and the character is largely derived from the changes in level and from various buildings and boundaries that form the frontage.

Although the place-name Harlaston occurs as early as the 11th century, there is little on the ground to indicate antiquity. Part of a mediaeval moat surrounds the farm buildings to the north of the church, but otherwise the main evidence is the church itself. This is a modest building - Harlaston remained as a chapelry within the parish of Clifton Campville until 1845 - yet it is rated as a grade B item

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of architectural or historic interest by the Department of the Environment. The nave and chancel are of 18th century brick, but the 13 century stone tower is impressively massive. The half-timbered upper stage of the tower is unusual for Staffordshire, and has been surmounted since the 19th century by a little spire. The church is set on the highest point of the ridge flanking the River Mease, so that it dominates the rest of the village. Its position makes it particularly effective when seen across the fields from the road to Haselour.

Apart from the church, the only building that is listed by the Secretary of State for the Environment is the one now known as the Manor House. This is a splendid example of 16th century timber framing, and it has recently been sensitively restored by the aid of grants from the County Council and the Rural District Council.

The subtle structure of the main road contributes to the attractiveness of the village, although not enhanced by overhead wires. For those approaching from Tamworth there is a sudden and satisfactory transition from open fields to built-up settlement, and this transition is made more abrupt by the rising ground and the sharpness of the curve. The outbuildings of Church Farm, the large three storeyed house on the opposite side of the road and the Manor HOuse itself give a feeling of cohesion and variety to the view.

Once the top of the rise is reached by the church, itis possible to look back along the main road and to notice how important even in this direction is the black and white gable of Manor House. In the north-eastern direction almost the same importance can be claimed for the white-painted White Lion Inn that closes the view and occupies an island site between narrow lanes, with new development on the opposite side. On the Alrewas road a fresh element is introduced by the winding River Mease. The bridge carrying the road to Edingale, the trees on the steep bank and the roads themselves add to a compact and intimate landscape of sustained interest.

Because there are few outstanding buildings in Harlaston, conservation need not carry with it the implication everything must be kept, but it is important to recognise those characteristics that give quality and individuality to the settlement. Manor Farm is of irregular plan and partly rendered; Harlaston House, a successful interpretation of the Georgian idiom, hides imposingly behind a high brick wall and happily partners the nearby 19th century Rectory. Otherwise the buildings are mostly of small domestic scale and of red bricks with tiled roofs. Some rise from behind the pavement; others are set behind red brick walls and hedges; while others

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again, like the cottages opposite the White Lion Inn, are set well back from the road but contribute nevertheless to the overall character. It is most important that the cohesion effected by the continuity of frontage shall remain and that harmonious design and traditional materials should be used for any new development. The consequences of losing a well-defined frontage and removing any focus of attention are clearly demonstrated in Manor Lane.

It is to preserve the character of the village and to ensure that any new development is compatible that the County Council have designated Harlaston as a Conservation Area.

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St Matthew's Church


Little is recorded about St. Matthew's Church prior to Harlaston being cc situted an Ecclesiastical Parish in 1845. Before this Harlaston was a Chapelry to Clifton Parish. The date of origin of the Church is not known. It is suggested in Kelly's Staffordshire Directory for 1924 (although not in the 1904 edition) that it is Saxon and dates back to the 9th century.


The Rev. Henry Norris, in his History of Haselour Hall in 1894, writes that St. Matthew's may have origionally been a domestic chapel attached to the estate of the Vernons but that it is almost certain that it became a Parochial Chapel in its very early days. He also suggests that it was referred to as 'Clifton cum Capella' in the King's Book of 1535.

The Church is built of red brick in the Norman and early English styles, consisting of a nave, South Porch and Norman Tower with three bells and a clock.

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The Register in the Church dates back to 1693, but is thought likely that an earlier one does exist.

The first Rector for Harlaston Parish was the Reverend Richard Rowland Bloxham, M.A., and he was of course the first occupant of the Rectory.

It is apparent from the Vestry Minutes dating from 1851 that one of the first priorities of the Rector and the members of the Committee was the restoration of the church. Reports were obtained from a Surveyor and from William Slater, Architect, of Regent Street, London. These showed that there were settlements in the walls to such an extent as to render any mere repairs impracticable; the roof and timbers of the Tower were severely decayed and the old stone Gothic arch leading from the tower to the church was in a ruinous state. It was recommended that a new tower of a simple cost at £280, not including a spire which he suggested could be added later.

At the first recorded meeting of the Vestry on 9th December 1851 it was resolved to carry out the work and to borrow a sum not exceeding £250.

In a letter to the Reverend Bloxham of 10th April 1852, H.J. Pye, Esq., Patron of Clifton Hall, suggested that it may be wise to confine attention at that time to repairs which were absolutely necessary in the belief that it might be possible at some future period to rebuild the Church without asking  the ratepayers to change their rates.

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The windows were obviously recieving consideration and over the the next few months it is recorded that it was agreed to allow three obituary windows and an East window of stained glass to be put in by Reverend R.R. Bloxham, W. Webb Esq., and Thos Flavell, Esq. It will be seen from the section on the windows that the East window later moved to make way for another one.

The business of putting things in order, and recording them properly continued and a 'Perfect Terrier' (Register) was drawn up with the approval of the Bishop of Lichfield giving a description of all buildings, land and other property belonging to the Church, including goods, ornaments and utensils. This record is still kept up to date to-day.

As a matter of interest the following fees for church services to the Rector were chargeable at that time:-

s.    d. 

  Thanks after childbirth.           4

Publishing Banns 1.     6

Marriage 1.     0

Marraige by Licence 5.    0

Burial 4.    0

Little is mentioned in the Vestry Minutes thereafter with regard to preparation for the restoration, except that in September 1855 it was resolved to build a Vestry at the North end.

At a meeting on the 12th December 1861 an offer was revealed from Mrs. Webb of £200 for a new roof if there was a new tower. At the same meeting offers totalling £350 were recieved for the rebuilding of the tower, etc. In 1862 Mr. Webb promised to take sole management of the building of the tower.

It seems from the time lapse, apparent from these minutes, that the members took heed of the advice given by H.J.Pye, Esq., mentioned earlier.

As a matter of interest, in the meantime in 1856 the Vestry Meeting considered the alteration of the pews for the purpose of erecting an organ, but decided against it. However an organ was installed in 1867.

An interesting footnote to the Minutes of a meeting in April 1858 read:- 

"NB - Mr Hellaby, on the part of the Parish, refused to accept the Finger Organ which I have put in the church." Signed... R.R. Bloxam. (Perhaps the Parish envisaged harmonious relationships of meetings being disturbed !).  

It is believed that from around 1870 the health of Rev Bloxam deteriorated and in 1875 he relinquished his post. He eventually died at Leamington on 23rd January 1877. 

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From 1875 the Rev J.B. Swann was Priest-in-Charge until 18th May 1877 when he was inducted as Rector.

The Restoration

Although, strangely, there is no mention of it in the Minutes, the restoration took place in 1882/83. The drawings, specification and conditions of contract were prepared by Mr Christian of 8 Whitehall Palace, London, and were signed by all parties on 13th June 1882.

A brief summary of the work carried out as follows:- 

General repairs and improvements of the Nave, Chancel and Tower and including the Roof. Work on the Organ Chamber and Vestry. Erection of new Porch on the South side. New wood and paved floors. New Chancel, seating and provision of a new Pulpit, Desk, Lectern, Communication Rail and Vestry Screen. New seating in Nave and Tower.

The work up to and including the erection of a porch was completed by Christmas 1882 according to a written note in Rev Swann's hand, so presumably the remainder of the work was carried over into 1883. This would account for the Restoration Ceremony being as late as November 1883.

It is apparent from the records in the Diocescesan Church Calendar that at the Restoration the number of seats in the Church was increased from 100 to 132, and it is presumed that this was possible as the previous pews consisted of boxed seats. At the same time all became 'free'.

The total cost of the restoration, including all Professional Fees, etc., was £1,429/5/5d.

The Church was re-opened on 13th November 1883 by the Bishop of Lichfield.

The Diocesan Church Calendar for 1883/84 gives the following information:- 

Rector     Rev John B. Swann

Church Warden   John Kendrick

Patron Mrs E. S. Swann

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Population 265

Acreage 1,353

Church Accomodation

In 1883 - 100 of which 40 were free

In 1884 - 132 - all free


1883       Mistress - Emma Jane Black - 36 scholars

1884 Mistress - Helen Francis       - 45 scholars

(According to the 1881 Census, Emma Jane Black lodged with the Smith family who were local farmers).

The first Confirmation Service was held in St Matthew's Church on 20th May 1884. The Bishop of Lichfield, the Right Reverend William Daltymple Maclagan, D.D. officiated and 1 male and 5 females were confirmed. Bishop Maclagan later became Archbishop of York.

Other points of Interest

'A Family Communion' 

On the inside cover of the Baptism Register Rev R.R. Bloxam recorded the following information:-

"On Sunday morning, 13th January 1856, being my fiftieth birthday, I, Richard Rowland Bloxam, Rector of this Parish, was assisted in the performance of Divine Service by my five brothers, viz:

The Rev Richard Rowland Bloxam read the prayers

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'Early Paintings of the Church'

In about 1859 Mrs Moore, wife of the Archdeacon, and her sister, Miss Hinckes, produced two very good paintings of St Matthew's Church. One is of the Church and Churchyard and the other is of the interior looking towards the Altar, showing the seating before the organ was installed and the pews altered at the restoration.

Both these paintings are preserved in the library at Lichfield cathedral along with many other examples of their obvious talent.

'From the Register 1883'


15.2.1883 George, Son of Richard and Jane Shaw, Harlaston. - Labourer

14.3.1883 Anne, Daughter of William and Mary Ann Wilcox, Harlaston - Labourer

      "                 Emma, Daughter of William and Mary Ann Wilcox, Harlaston - aged 2 years and 9 months

      "                 Sarah, Daughter of William and Mary Ann Wilcox, Harlaston - aged 5 years.

18.6.1883 Ada, Daughter of Samuel and Jane Ward, Hogshill, Harlaston. - Labourer


Five were recorded that year.

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