Celebrating our Queens 90th birthday

Birthday Celebrations. 21st April

All over the country we are being asked to celebrate the Queen's 90th birthday on the weekend of June 11th and 12th. That is not the Queen's real birthday! Her majesty was born on April 21st 1926, two days before St. George's Day. That is the weekend we are holding our celebrations. In 1926 our rector was Revd Thomas PW Thorman, churchwardens were Mr Len Mercer and Mr Howard Carter and we have contacts with their relatives. Watch this space for a weekend of History, Flowers and Crafts. Keep the date free!

Celebration Day - The Queen and our village.

What a wonderful "Thanks for the mMemory" day we had on April 23rd. Family and friends came from near and far away, meeting up for the first time for many years. 40 year olds found themselves in various fancy dress parades, photographed as 3 or 4 year olds - Happy times!

We are indebted to many people who helped at this event. Thise who researched the history in the Archives and for the printing and copying. The catering team for the lunches and teas. The flower arrangements in church were beautiful ladies - thank you. To everyone who donated cakes, produce, prizes and bric-a-brac. The stall holders braved the very cold winds in the marquee. The craft stalls proved very interesting and popular. A special "thank you" to Keith who rang the bells on the 21st, the Queen's real birthday, and to the Tamworth bell ringers who entertained us on the 23rs.

To everyone who came to visit or helped in any way at all - A VERY SINCERE THANK YOU for turning a small idea into a very successful day, raising £700 towards the £40,000 we need to install a toilet and new kitchen in Church.