29th Mar 18
Harlaston Indoor Bowls Club
Chairman. Bill Hinds,
Treasurer. Clive Mahoney
Secretary. Christine Hinds
Games captain David Chamberlain
Ladies games captain Ann Richardson
Committee members, Sheila Rowe,
Mark Harrison, Hal. Jupp, Glenys Cooke
Michael Grove, Aubrey Clarke
Minutes of the AGM. held on Thursday 29th March 2018
The meeting started at 8.00 pm
1. Minutes of the last meeting were read and signed.
2. Chairman’s report. This year we only had 42 members but we did have a full schedule. All the competitions were well supported and we also had good support for the home and away matches at Hanbury and Newton Regis. The skittles night was well supported and so was the Christmas social which this year took a different format, being afternoon only and catering was done on the basis of donated refreshments. The chairman thanked all of the committee for all their help during the last year.
3. Treasurer’s report. A copy of the accounts was handed to all the members present. The treasurer explained that the accounts from now onwards will cover the period up to the end of the bowling year.
There has been a financial loss of £260.62 leaving a balance of £9,073.39 but as the period was more than 12 months it did include 2 years engraving of the trophies and the village hall hire did include March hire for 2017 and 2018; and if the accounts were compared on a 12 monthly period then there would not have been a financial loss.
4. Appointment of Officers
Chairman Bill Hinds proposed by M.Grove seconded by D.Chamberlain
Treasurer Clive Mahoney proposed by D.Chamberlain seconded by R. Nicholls Secretary Christine Hinds
Proposed by A.Richardson seconded by S.Rowe.
Ladies Games Captain Ann Richardson Proposed by S. Rowe seconded by G. Cooke
Gents Games captain David Chamberlain
Proposed by W.Hinds seconded by M.Grove
Auditor for the accounts M.Grove
Proposed by C.Mahoney seconded by D.Chamberlain
Committee. Jean Dunn & Glenys Cooke stepped down
All the other committee members were voted en. bloc. Leaving vacancy for 2 more members:--
Roger Nicholls
Proposed by M.Grove seconded by C.Mahoney
Martyn Ellis
Proposed by D.Chamberlain seconded by W.Hinds
5. Social events. The chairman suggested that the member’s vote to see if we should continue with the Christmas social in last year’s format, being afternoon only and with members donating refreshments with the condition that nobody had to bring anything. The suggestion was passed by a full show of hands. Sheila Rowe agreed to purchase biscuits for next year’s food breaks.
6. Any other business.
7. The meeting ended at 9.05 and was followed by refreshments then the prize giving.