Champs of the Super-bowl

Bowls Finals

In a very friendly atmosphere at the village hall, the finals of the indoor bowls club were held on Thursday March 16th.

The triples winners were Mrs. M. Tiso, Mr M. Hancock and Mr J. Mitchell, and runners-up, Mrs B. Dallas, Mr H. Richardson and Mr A. Green.

The doubles winners were: Mrs J. Brown and Mr R. Johnson, and runners-up Mr P. Grove and Mr E. Brown.

Singles winner was Mr E. Duggins; runner-up Mr K. Dalton.


At a very enjoyable social evening held on Saturday the winners and runners-up of the Indoor Bowls Club finals were photographed, with the trophies they had won on Thursday evening.

The triples winners won the F.R. Hidderley Trophy presented by Mr G. Johnson; doubles winners won the White Lion Trophy presented by Mr Ken Dalton and the singles winner won the Dunnimere Trophy presented by Mr E. Tiso.

After the presentation, dancing was enjoyed to the J. Wileman and Montana band.

An excellent buffet meal prepared by the committee was served and a raffle raised £97.


On Sunday afternoon 50 members of the bowls Club met for a competition of ladies verses gentlemen. The gentlemen won the Winterdyne Trophy given and presented by Mr R. Moore.

Death. The bowls club members were saddened to learn of the death of one of their comrades, Mr Larry Vessey.