Millennium Screen

Donations given by: In Memory of:

Mr Lol Duggins & Mr Frederick Duggins, Mrs Doris Duggins

Mr Fred Duggins

Mrs Anne North Mr Paul North, Mrs Gladys Mercer, Mr Percy Mercer, Mr Alec Mercer

Mrs A Hooper Miss Thirza Gurney

Mr Evan Mercer Mr Len Mercer, Mrs Janet Mercer

Mr and Mrs Ed Bailey Mrs Joyce Bailey, Mrs Vera Reynolds

Mrs Stella Alldritt Mr Philip Alldritt

Mr and Mrs Eric Tiso Mr Sidney Fox, Mrs Nell Fox, Mr Arthur Usherwood, Mrs Elizabeth Usherwood

Mr Andrew Mercer Mr Percy Mercer, Mrs Sybil Mercer

Mrs Ursula Green Mr Alfred Green

Mrs E Wallis and family Mr Percy Wallis, Mrs Winnie Wallis

Mrs A Avery Mr John Mercer, Mrs Edith Mercer

Mr and Mrs Eddie McCabe Mr Victor Smyczek

Mrs Nancy Hancock and family Mr Peter Hancock, Mr Maurice Hancock

Mr A (Tony) Palmer and Mrs Joyce Rowe Mrs Valerie Palmer

Mr and Mrs Harold Richardson Mr Bernard Richardson, Mrs Phyllis Richardson

Mr and Mrs Gordon Rhodes Mr George Hillier, Mrs Nesta Hillier

Mr and Mrs Micheal Grove Mrs Dorothy Grove

Mrs M Corby Mr Arthur Corby

Miss C Cherrill Mrs Lorna Dean, Mr Robert Dean

Mr D N Alsop Mrs Kathleen Hogg

Mrs J Malin Mr Richard Malin

Mr and Mrs Vic Lane Miss L Jones

Mrs E Lane Miss L Jones

Mr and Mrs G Bishop Mr George Hillier, Mrs Nesta Hillier

Mr and Mrs B Kerby Mr George Hillier, Mrs Nesta Hillier

Mr and Mrs L Dimmery Mr George Hillier, Mrs Nesta Hillier

Mr and Mrs E Allsop Mr George Hillier, Mrs Nesta Hillier

Mrs C Kuenstle

Mr G Moorhead

Mr and Mrs W Elsenbast

Mr and Mrs C Pearson

Mr and Mrs P Whitehouse

Miss D Carter

Mr and Mrs David King

Mr and Mrs R Moore

Mr and Mrs R Durose

Money donated at the funerals of:

Miss May Duggins

Mrs Joyce Clarke

Mr Frank Lunn

The screen was designed and made by Deborah Lowe

It is leaded antique, hand rolled cathedral and machine made glass with glasspainting and silver stain.

2500mm across base x 1700mm base to apex.

Central rectangular panel, 840mm x 755mm